A Mother’s Rule- as adopted from the vocation of consecrated life, is a set of rules or guidelines by which a group of consecrated (monks, sisters, etc.) agree to live.  I created and employed my own “rule” for my vocation as wife and mother after reading Holly Pierlot’s book A Mother’s Rule of Life.  I am on version 300, I think, and I revisit it often to modify and tweek.   

As Holly recommends, this rule is a guideline for me, and I try not to let the rule itself run our house, rather it helps us run the house.  I read once that a woman looks at each item on her rule as a gift for Jesus.  “I am going to iron for you now, my Lord; I will prepare supper for you now, my Lord, I will wipe the poop off the carpet and wash the sheets, my Lord, etc!”  🙂  This mindset, really helps me to remain obedient to my rule.

Click here to go to an in-depth post on creating your own rule of life.

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